Free MPN Patient Education Event – Oct. 28

Join us virtually for the 11th International Patient Symposium on Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs) on Wednesday, October 28, 2020.

This online program – presented by the Cancer Research & Treatment Fund (CR&T) and chaired by our MPN Center’s namesake, Dr. Richard Silver – grants patients and their families a unique opportunity to engage with distinguished MPN physicians and scientists from the world’s leading cancer centers.

Attendees will learn from presentations by our own Dr. Ghaith Abu-Zeinah, Dr. Ellen Ritchie, Dr. Joseph Scandura, Dr. Andrew Schafer and more experts, followed by disease-specific Q&A breakout sessions.

Admission is free to all. Registration is required.

For more information, please click here, or call (212) 288-6604.

Richard T. Silver MD Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Center 520 E 70th Street Starr Pavillion, 341 New York, NY 10021